
Tuesday 20th July
Day 1 : New York

  Day 1- Flight from manchester

4.30 leave ripon, agreed? agreed. It actualy panned out to be nearer 5.00 after a sharp u-turn once i'd realised i'd forgotten my sunglasses, but when we finaly met up we convoyed down towards manchester in good time for the relaxing flight ahead. Check in was no worry, putting our carefully packed and weighted bags under the plane and collecting our passes befor saying our final goodbyes to our parents. On through security and then into the departure lounge. It was about 9.00, we weren't bording till 11.10 so we had plenty of time to have a full english breakfast and relax in the massage chairs (we didnt turn them on, they were just comfier than the main seats). Time soon flew by and we were sent to our gate where we got the fist glips of the American Airline plane we were going to fly on. We watched as the crew made the checks and we waited for our group number to be called, we waited, and waited. No one was going in, suddenly we heard over the tannoy 'we are haveing problems with the air craft, the captins seat is broken' their was a ripple of laughter through the room, we made jokes about falangies and letting him sit on a beanbag but the jokes didn't last long 'there is a part missing, we will try and locate it, this should take 15 minutes' 'sorry about the delay, we are struggeling to locate the part, we should be another 15 minuets' 'the part cannot be located in the airport, we will update you in 30 minets' after each anouncement the grones and tuts' got louder and the prospects of us actually getting on this plane was decreasing. I walked over to the window and watched as people walked around the runway. Then i noticed underneath the plane, at the opposite side to the passangers i got a slight glips of a convayer belt, and it was moving backwards, they were taking the bags off the plane ' their taking the bags off the plane' i said to Helen, only she wasn't the only one who heard it. People started whispering and one by one they stept up to see if they can see anything. Now i dont know much about planes or airports but i always assumed that their was a spare plane in a hanger somewere, just in case. What i did know was that we needed to be in New York by 7.30 am the next morning or we'll miss the tour. So when we heard 'ladies and gentlemen we are sorry to inform you that due to being unsuccessful in locating this part we have canncelled this flght, their are no other flights flying today, we will provide accomodation and tickets for tomorrows flight' we paniced! We didnt know what to do, and even if we did we couldnt do it because we were traped in a mob of VERY angry people trying to explain to anyone who'd listen why they had to be in New York tonight. I could not believe that their was no flights to JFK from anywere in england this afternoon, and with one call to the travel agent and one to Helens parents we had no choice but to wait to find out our verdict. Both partys franticly worked to find an alternitive flight and when a call from the travel agent saying we're booked on a transfer fight we raced to get our bags and get out. Being on the phone and talking to Airline staff made the people around us suspicious that we knew something and that we had found a plane, this infomation was gold dust. Three girls who were similar ages us were asking us what to do, how to get a flight, but i didnt know, all i knew was that 10 minutes ago i was sitting in a room playing spot the american and now i'm being shuffled out of the area and back up to the check in desk. We were given a very quick breef on what flight we were going on and told to keep the infomation absolutly secret to any other passangers from the cancled flight, it was like an undercover opperation and before we know it we were back in the boarding lounge ready to catch a internal down to Heathrow.

Helen and I were so thankful to just get on a plane and as soon as we were up in the air we were back down on land, landing at Terminal 5. Terminal 5 would have been exciting if we didnt have to run through to catch the shuttle to terminal 3. Which, again, would have been exciting if we didnt have to go through tight american security for the 3rd time. But we finaly got our boarding passes and we when through to the lounge. I say lounge, it was more like a shopping center. We managed to keep ourselves amused befor finaly, getting on the plane. It was 6 hours later than we had hoped but we were eventualy sitting on a flight to New York.

Briefly the flight was dull, the films were rubbish, the food wasnt gluten free and i'm sure the piolt didnt know where he was going but nothing could take the smiles off our faces as we tounched down. We had made it!

Securety at JFK is beond a joke, we were one of the first people off the plane and they split us up and put us into different lines to get checked. My line consisted of a family of 5, a french family and me, unfortunatly i had the slowest securety man in the history of securty men and after watching everyone go though befor me it finaly got to my turn and he just walked off. I was so angry and tired i felt sick, and poor Helen was waiting in baggage wondering where on earth i had got to. This, tied in with the worst taxi driver you could imagen (who know neither, where to go or how to drive) made us very thankfull for our beds, 11 o'clock NY time.


Wednesday 21st July
Day 2 Niagara Falls

After yesterdays dramas we both assumed that we would never wake up in time and the trek was planned to leave at 7.30. In antisipation we set 2 alarms and orded a wakeup call, just incase. I slept, mabey 3 hours most befor been awaken by one very noisy air conditioner. We went down for some breakfast trying to guess who else in the room could be on the trek (we were surprisingly accurate). After breakfast we packed up and walked into the lobby to find an array of people who looked to be on the trek. We were not the only trek leaving that day so we searched for our group only to find we had been put onto a different one. This one was exactly the same only it went backwords, north then south instead of south then north. we met our new group, packed up the van and set off out of New York. We drove 400 miles.

We arived on the camp site at the side of lake Ontario, a few minutes drive form Niagara. After pitching up the tent Helen and I walked down to the lake and it was unbeliveable. I had never seen such a large lake before in my life, it was so large you couldnt see the other side of it, i looked just like the ocean.

We waited for the sun to go down befor setting off for our first glips to Niagara falls. Our tour guide, TJ, assured us that Niagra at night was not to be missed and he was not wrong the falls are lit up in an array of different colours, it was absolutly spectacular. The water was mesmorising.


Thursday 22nd July
Day 3 Ohio

We woke up in good time, packed up the tent and set off for another look at Nigra Falls. This time it was daytime and we put on our fetching blue ponches and set sail on the Maid of the Mist takeing us right into the misty plunge pool of Nigra and Hourse Shooe Falls. After a few more photos we set off for Sanducky Ohio. Crusing alongside lake Erie which again, looks just like the sea, through Cleveland we arived to discover TJ had pulled a few strings and got us 2 log cabbins for the night, good stuff as their was ment to be a storm that night.

After unloading the traller we drove a few milles away to vist the worlds best amusment park- Cedar Point. We all packed in and, like the 12 year olds we truly are, walked as quickly as we could to the fastest steepest and flashest rolercoster we could find, Millenium Fource. We qued for about an hour but by the look of the amount of que bariers we'd been lucky, but when your strapped in you soon forget how long you've waited and become more concerned at the size of the incline befor you. It was well worth the wait though and after that ride we were more than ready for another, so we joind the que of the closesd one. As we were waiting it began to spit, sudenly all the people in the park started leaving and the rides started shuting down. They were the largest rain drops i'd ever seen but we still joked about rain not stopping the english. We walked the park in seach for any ride that was still open but we eventuly took refuge in a dinner. We just relaxed and enjoyed the tunes on the duke box and agreed that the rain would soon die down, we'd payed $30 to get in and we'd only been on one ride. We watched from the windows as the rain got heavyer and people ran to the exit. Once we saw the first flash in the sky we decided that this was not just a shower, the storm had come early and we just wanted to get back to the cabin. We braved the rain to make it to the front enterance as lighning bolts stuck above our head. The rain was so heavy spending just seconds out in it would wet you through.

When we got back to the cabbin TJ decided we'd avoid cooking and get take away pizzas. As i cant eat pizza i would go with him and stop off at a shop to find something to eat. But before any food, a few people in the group wanted to get some drinks. So TJ, myself and about 3 other people set off in the van while Helen and the others cramed into one of the cabins. We pulled over at the liqure store and all ran through the rain and inside.

     -now i'd just like to say now that if grandma, gran or mum are reading this, i'd stop now-

 As everyone searched for some drinks I cort a glips of the weather report, whilts trying to work out where we were i failed to notice the swurling simble in the corner of the stait. TJ stood right behind me, 'that doesnt look good, we're surounded by 6 tornados'. TORNADO! Theirs 3 things i know about tornados, their big, dangerous and way more exciting than the fastest bigest rollorcoster at Ceder Point. We ran back to the van as the tornado syrans screemed through the streat. I was buzzing, that was untill i saw TJ's face, he looked scared. He breafd us on what to do if he stops the van, what to look for in the sky and the signes that the storm is close (if the rain stops and it gets windy). He sped back to the camp 'you two stay in the van, you two go to the cabbin' he said before running into the cabbin to bref the others about how to stay safe. I was one of the ones who had to stay in the van because i had to help him look for food. I didnt know wether this was a good thing or a bad thing but befor i knew it we were back on the road, risking our lives for pizza. We drove strait through the storm, windscreen wippers going bursurk one eye on the sky, the other at potential shelter if we need it. As we pulled over to get the food the rain suddenly stopped. Oh nice one, i thought, it's clearing up, oh no hang on...it's getting a little windy. We ran with the pizzas back to the van and sped off. The cloudes were very dark and swirling, it's undescribably really. we were traveling away from the tornado so when we got back to camp TJ was confident that we were in the clear. We had survived a tornado, and after a quick high five we got our reward, pizza. And my reward, watching people eat pizza while having a salad.



Friday 23nd July
Day 4: Chicago

We woke up to clear blue sky, one thing i love about this country is that you can go to two different major extreams of weather in a very short pice of time. We packed up the trailor and set off for the windy city. Passing the time zone, doing a little time travel adding an hour onto our day. Through Gary, the birth place of Michel Jackson, and ariving in Chicago in time for a short drive round tour. We planned to spend our two nights in Chicago in a Youth Hostel at the heart of the city. Chicago itself is a large and well disigned city and is home to the tallest building in America, Willis Tower (it's also home to Oprah, but this would be more exciting if i knew who she was). The city is situated on the edge on the border of Lake Michigan, this lake is bigger than the UK and Ireland put together and with Chicago beach on it's shores it can easyly be mistaken for the coast.

We started our time in Chicago by getting a taxi down to the pier so we can have a scenic bike ride tour of the city. The bright lights of the pier could be seen from far away as we drove down the edge of the cost. We pulled over and joind the crouds of torist walking down, on the left their were shops and resaurants, on the right their were some fantastic looking yots and small cruse ships. The group decided to go into a restaurant to buy a chicargo hot dog (a local delacousy) so we made our way into the nearest food cort, without any warning it started raining incredibly heavly and lighning slashed trough the sky. During the day it is so hot and the skys are clear but the nights are making up for it.

We all agreed that the bike ride was not such a good idea so we decided to go to a bar that Tj highly recomended. Hailing a yellow cab in the pooring rain is, i guess, all part of the american experiance but as time wentgot incredibly wet on and we decided to brave the weather and walk. 20 minuets later, covered in water we finaly go to the bar. This bar was the weirdest bar i have ever seen in my life, the staff are rude, people are encoraged to throw paper at other diners and everyone has to wear strange hats, but alls these things, plus the live band, make for a very interesting atmosphere. As the rain came to a stop we sat out by the Chicago river and watched night fall on the city. As the legal age for drinking in America is 21, myself and a 4 others were only on sprite and at about 11 o'clock the 5 of us decided to walk home while the others went onto a club. We must have walked about 2 minuets down the road befor the rain began again, the thunder and lighning tour through the skys and we ran through the city trying to find the hostel. Chicago, or at least the area we were in, is a very safe city and you are very aware of that as you walk, unfortionatly for the second time to day we got incredibly wet so we headed strait to our dorm and fell asleep listioning to the thunder aroud us.

Saturday 24th July
Day 5: Chicago

 We woke up to find the storm still going strong but it died down enough to start our bike tour, this took us right through the city. Putting 8 english people on bikes and telling them to drive on the right hand side of the road though was an imposible task and we managed to anger alot of taxi drivers. This tour gave us the history of chicago and took us past all the famous landmarks of downtown, including one of oprah winfery's meny homes (i now know who she is, they're very proud of her in chicago), hancock tower and the original playboy manion. We stoped off at the beach for a drink and watched people play vollyball in the sun before finaly crusing down to lenth of the shore.

After the bike ride we decided to head to the other side of town for a world famous chicago style pizza. One subway ride later and we all pile into the resturant, pizzas all round... and a salad. After the meal we head down to WIllis tower, the tallest sky scraper in America. But unfortionatly it was shut. But this gave us a great opportunity to ride above the road on the EL train back to main streat. We walked down the shopping streat to see if we could get up hancock tower but the que was to long. On our walk back we stumbled across a movie set for the new film Transformers 3, Their was rubble on the road, burnt out cars, an exact replicar of the stone spire on the roof of a building was smashed up on the floor, their were camberas on crains being waved about and allot of tourists taking photos.

The evening however had to be the best part of the day, we started off in Buddy Guys blues club. A blues club in chicago, i was in heaven, but because of our age we had to leave at 8, but this gave us chance to watch the sun set on the city. We took a walk through millenium park to find the very impressive Buckingham fountain. We also managed to stumble across a mexican party and a very beautiful openair opera concert (two very different things). We then decided to taxi back up to Hancock to see the city at night. We went up to the obsevitory in a lift traveling at 20 miles an hour, it was so fast it made your ears pop but the view at the top was outstanding.

Chicago is not the most famous city in America but i don't know why. It is a fantastic and very beautiful. The streets are full of street performers playing blues and jazz and the city is litted with realy nice random works of moden art. It'll be sad to leave it tomoro but the highway callls.


Sunday 25th July
Day 6 :  Travel

This day has been a very heavy driving day. We set off from Chicago at 8.30 and landed at the Blue Mounds State Park, Minnesota at 8.30 after a 12 hour drive. We tryed to stop at the museum of SPAM (just to see what could posibly be in a museum of SPAM) but it was closed, we did cross over the Mississipi river and see a crop duster flying around but other than that it's been a quite boring day. My flip flop broke, i bought a new one... thrilling.

In the evening we were all shatterd, we had just enough day light left intime to put up the tents. We then prepared and ate our tea by the camp fire. We have a German couple on the trip and they are both very good cooks so our meals are lovely.

Monday 26th July
Day 7: Badlands National Park, South Dakota

Yesterdays heavy drive made todays drive a fair bit shorter but it was still 8 1/2 hours. We crused along I 90 strait across South Dakota. On the way we saw a sign for a corn palace- decided to check it out, turns out it's a palace made of corn...weird! only in America! South Dakota is very beautiful, flat, and green, it looks like a flat Yorkshire but the people of South Dakota are very different to people in Yorkshire. Farming is the main sorce of income here, mainly corn and Buffallo. We stoped off at a petrol station which sold buffallo skulls for $100, about £70. I was going to get one to put on the mantal but i dont think i'd be able to get it through costoms, sorry mum, i'll have to find you something else.

After a bit more time travel we arived at the Badlands national park, these rocky spires are very beautiful and we decided to get out the van and hike up some of them. Unfortionatly when we got out the car it was 35 degrees and incredibly dry we walked on regardless and depite nearly dieing from the heat it was a very beautiful hike.

After this we found our campsite and jumped strait into the pool to cool down before doing group laudry. We then sat down all fresh and cleen for another German delicacie. I dont have a clue what it was because we ate it in the dark but it was very nice.


Tuesday 27th July
Day 8: Sioux Indian Lands

We packed up the van and headed off out of South Dakota into Wyoming. But on the way we made a few stops. The first stop, Wall Drug. Wall is a small town out side the Badlands national park, during the recession a chemist and his wife came to Wall to set up a drug store by the side of a major road. Their were 100s of people traveling past the store but no one ever came in. As a desperate last attempt for business before selling up he layed signs all down the road advertising free ice water and 5 cents coffee. In a short space of time the shop became very busy and he kept expanding. Now the signs are still their but they are great big billbords and it attracts litturaly thousands of people a day. It is a whole streat of shops selling everyting but you can still get free icewater and 5 cents coffee.

Our second stop was the famous Mount Rushmore, this monument to the former presidents was built in the 20's and 30's inorder to attract tourists and that is very clear to see. As you drive along the windy roads surrounded by tall lush pine trees the heads spring apon you and are certainly a sight to be seen. Park in the car park and you find yourself walking on mass through an achway of flags to a viewing platform full of tourists takeing pictures. We found a gap to take a photo of eachother infrount of the monument and when it came to my turn i handed my camera to a friend and stood in the best place. Before i knew it a woman walked up to me and stood right next to me, i tryed to hint that i wanted to take a photo but she wasnt paying any attention. I couldnt stop laughing and in the end we just took it anyway, it's nice, it looks like we're friends. To be honest i did not enjoy the monument, i felt it was very tacky and, as it was built primeraly to attact torists and make money, a bit of an insult to these great presidents. The gift shop was full of random gifts and clothes but in the corner was an olderman sat alone behind a desk looking bord. Naturaly i couldnt resist talking to him. It turns out he was one of the men who originaly worked on crafting the sculpture, he sat and answered my questions with absolute bordom and no passion at all and i couldnt help but feel sorry for him as he clearly did not want to be their. I couldnt wait to leave and go to our next stop, 30 minuets down the road, Crazy Hourse Memorial. This memorial is the Native Americans answer to Mt Rushmoore. It is a huge statue of the Indian chief Crazy Hourse, again made out of stone but on a much grander scale, the whole of Mt Rushmoore can fit in the head of Crazy Hourse. This monument was built soon after Mt Rushmoore by a man who useto help build it. He started the project compleetly alone with very little money, during the project he got maried and had 10 children, 8 of which carry on the construction today. The visiter center showed the lives of the Native Americas and sold crafts to rais the money for this entirly self funded project. The American govenment offerend on meny occasions to pay to have it compleeted but it was always refused. This memorial was really amazing to see, how the native americas still hold great respect to the ancestors and will not be out beaten by the govenment.

We then hit to road for the final time to our campsite for the night at the base of Devils Tower. This tower is the Laver remains of an erroded volcano... nice. We spent the evening watching the film 'Close encounters of the third kind' which was filmed right where we sat to watch it.



Wednesday 28th July
Day 9 : Cody

We woke up about 3.45 to set off for a walk up to devils tower to watch the sun rise. The walk was long and up hill (not cool) but the view at the top was outstands (very cool) you could see all along the plains. We found a nice short cut back down so we managed to get back to camp just as the others were getting up. We then set off for Cody, Wyoming over the Big Horn Moutain. This drive is probebly the best drive so far, over the mountains through the canyons. I even saw an Eagle in flight.

On our way towards Cody we traveled along a strait flat road and we could see rain over the town. When we arived we drove into a very heavy rain and hail storm. It was 30 degrees, July and hailing! Because of the rain we payed extra for a cabin which is always a bonus.

This evening we put on our cowboy hats and shirts and headed down for the Cody Nite Rodeo. I had never experianced a rodeo before and was really excited, so excited that a started talking to a clown outside the ring. It turns out the clown was the man who stands in the middle as warms up the croud and he gaves us a special shout out to all the english people in the audience. But before this, the Rodeo began with the croud standing as the American flag was rode around by 2 women on horse back as the national anthem played. This was fallowed by a prayer for the men, the animals and the armed forces and then the events began. Their were 3 main events. Bare back hourse riding, barrel raceing and bull riding. Bare back involved a man on a horse trying to hold on as it reared up and down, barrel racing was a race to see how fast you can race a hourse round 3 barrels and bull riding involved a man sitting on a bull as it tryed to throw him off. The croud gets really into the sport and their is a great atmostpher. There were a few indurys, one man had to be carryed out on a strecher but he waved to the croud as he went. I am very pleased i went as it is very much part of the culture here and it was certainly an expericance but i dont think it would catch on in england, for one thing health and safty would have a fit.

Thursday 29th July
Day 10: Yellowstone National Park

We left the campsite at 6.00 with a bus full of very sleepy people to avoid the ques into Yellowstone National Park. This park is the top of an active vocano, it is huge, the size of Wales and is full of bubbleing mud pools, rivers, canyons and some great wildlife. As you drive between the tall pine trees the sulphrus aroma hits you and does not leave, stray Bison and elks are doted between the trees and feilds. Our first stop in the park was the start of a six mile hike taking us past a lake, mud pools and up onto the top of Yellow stone canyon. From here you can see one of the fantastic waterfalls crash down into the river. The walk also took us to the base of the waterfall and then back up again and so by the end we were all quite tired. We jumped in the bus and traveled up to Old Faithful. This is the worlds best known geyser and as we arived we were just intime to watch it blast. The steam blew out fallowed by an almighty gush of boiling water strait into the air. This we all watched in ore.

By the afternoon we were all tired and decided to leave the camp early but on the ride out of the park the traffic slowed right down, for 30 minutes we were in this jam but when we got close to the end we realised why, a baby grizzly bear was playing in the river and everyone was slowing down to take pictures. We managed to get a good look at it and we were so lucky, bears are very rare to see. A few miles down the road and we also spoted a female moose in the river, we pulled over to take pictures and watched for ages as its baby came and fed.

We spent the evening walking round the town of West Yellow Stone, towns here in the west are exactly how you imagin, they have big wooden founts to the shops, the roads are twice the size of home and everyone walks around in cowboy hats. After our heavy day we all got an early night ready for a busy day tomorow back in the park.


Friday 30th July
Day 11: Yellowstone National Park

 We began the day by heading back into Yellowstone and up to the Norris Geyser Basin. We walked along wooden platforms between the multi colourd pools of boiling water.One even began to erupt and spray up in the air as we gathered round to watch. Our next stop was the Mammoth Hot Springs like a glazier of ash and dust dotted with orange streams. On the way we drove through the woods and a member of the group spotted a bear. We all pilled out and ran back to where it was. Helen and I were asleep so we soon woke up and started running. The bear was the perfect distance, far away enough to be safe and close enough to see in detail.

After the springs we parked up by a river, put on our swiming gear and jumped in. This river was particualy special beacuse it's a combination of the cold water from the mountain and boiling water from the springs. This formed a combination of the two in flashes. We started at the top and found a point where you can lie with our arms out with one side of your body cold and the other hot. The river was very fast flowing shallow so we had to grip on to the rocks all the time. We walked in a line down to a good spot untill i fell in on my bottom and started floting/ bobbing down past everyone to the fount of the line. When we were planning to get out we learnt the rappids were to strong to get out the way we came so we planned to take it in turn to flote down and try and paddle to a safer part futher down. Helen and I chickend out (partly due to the safty speach TJ gave us about potentialy breaking your legs) so we crawled backwards across the river bed keeping a good grip on the rocks and eachother.

Our final stop in the park was at the Grand Presmatic Springs, these springs are formed by water underground being heated by the magma of the volcano and rising up past the rocks collecting minerals. These minerals are then deposited on the gound causing vibrant multi-colourd pools. They looked so tempting to jump in but at 70 degrees Helen wouldnt let me, but only because of the promis she made to my mum at the airport.

We headed out of the park for another evening gathered round the campfire and a scrmble for dibs on the laptop.


Saturday 31st July
Day 12: Jackson

A quick drive back through yellowstone took us to Grand Tetons. In the winter the mountains of Grand Tetons are a ski resort but in the summer the snow just caps the tops of the mountains. We set out for a walk around Jenny lake and up the the hidden falls, a spectacular waterfall which runs into the lake. From the high point of the mountain you can see miles of flat land in a ring of beautiful mountains. On the walk we spotted a bear sleeping in the sun. That's 3 bears now but no poridge- i'm starting to doubt my infant school education. At the other side of the lake we got a boat along the water letting us look back on our our walk. We then set back to base for pizza, strawberys for me (although everyone esured me i had the better deal) before setting up our tents before heading out into the town of Jackson for the evening.


Sunday 1st August
Day 13: Jackson

  We drove back into Jackson to spend a relaxing day shopping. My search for a church did not go quite to plan as i didnt find one untill 11.30 and everyone was coming out. We decided to go for morning coffee (to maintain our britishness) and found a very nice cafe with a live country band playing. After a little more shopping we went to a sushi resaurant for lunch which was very nice. The afternoon we spent doing yet more shopping and liying in the park.

Jackson is a very posh cowboytown with wooden walkways and antler archways. The main road through the town is quite large and difficult to cross untill we noticed a pole full of detachable orange flags. I picked one up and all the trafic around us stopped so we could walk across the road proudly waving the flag. I thought this was cool, Helen thought it was stupid.

We then headed back to camp for tea befor going back to town to the cinima. When we got back it was late and dark and as we stept out of the van we all noticed the vast amount of stars in the sky. We grabed some tourches and went down to the river away from the light of the camp ground and looked up. Their were hundreds and hundreds of them we could have watched them all night.


Monday 2nd August
Day 14 : Idaho

  We waved goodbye to Jackson and drove 9 hours to Nat-Soo-Par springs, Idaho. You really notice a difference in the scenary driving for so long. Here the grass is dry, yellow and spairse and the crops are made lushes by huge sprinkelers.

The hot spring water fills a pool on the campsite, as do the residants, making it busy and hot, not the first thing you want to do when you get off a bus after 9 hours. So we spent the evening chilling out on the campsite. (i beat a german friend at a penilty shoot out, i think this even things out now)

Tuesday 3rd August
Day 15 : Nevada

Starting the day in Idaho we traveled through Nivada for a very long driving day. Strait across the dessert on I 80 which may be the most boring road in the world. We finaly arived at the edge of the very beautiful lake Tahoe. Our small camp space was placed on the top of a hill not suitable for motors so we had to drag our bags up in the boiling heat. Not bad excersice after 10 hours in a van.

In the evening we had a bbq giving my the chance to have a stake and Helen another go at buffallo burgers. Afterwards we walked down to the lake to watch the sunset and see the stars, it was fantastic, very peaceful.


Wednesday4th August
Day 16: Yosemite National Park

  We packed up the tents and went back down to the lake. It was alot busier during the day, their were people swiming, jet sking, playing volly ball. We didnt have much time so we sat on the beach enjoying the sun. We then set off and not far down the road we arived in Calafornia, a quick 'woop' around the bus fallowed by a quick sleep and after a 5 hour drive we arived at Yosemite national park. First stop, giant secotas, huge trees. Walking through the woods we saw another bear and after stopping to take pictures we caried on. These huge great towers of trees would just apear right infront of you. One had fallen over and hallowed inside alowing us to walk right through it. On our way back to the van we saw another bear, a few more pictures. Bears are so rare to see, and we've seen 5 already.


Thursday 5th August
Day 17: Yosemite National Park

  We woke up at 4.00 and left the campsite at 5.00. Todays plan was to attempt some great hikes and to avoid the midday sun and the crowd of people an early start was highly recomended (although not so popular). We drove back into the park and all pilled out of the van into the car park, the sun was just rising and their was just enough light to see a large bear at the other end of the campsite scavaging through the bins for breakfast. It took me a while to see it because i only had one contact in (it was really early) but i was a beautiful animal. 'ok guys, stick together it's ok where it is'. Then someone noticed it had two cubs with it, i thought they were dogs, again becuase i only had one contact in. I figured with bears around good vision was important so i put the other one in just intime to see the 3 bears come closer and closer to the van. We all pilled in in a frantic, slighlty hilarious, fasion with 5 people on the front seat and everyone with their cameras out. After they toddled off we all got out congratulated but on our boots and set off.

We started off at the top of the vally and walked strait down to the river and back up the other side. The views were outstanding and were mainly based around a mountain called Half Dome. At the height of our walk we found ourselves at the top of a very beautiful waterfall and at the base of Half Dome. At this point the group split in two. One group to attempt the mountain, the other to fallow the river back down to the village. Helen attempted Half Dome, I think it's safe to say which one I oppted for. So the walk back to the village took us right alongside to waterfall drop along a very steep, rocky path. We had to stop countless times to alow very tired people go up past us. The path down the river seemed to go on forever and was 99% down hill, the further down we got the more happier and fresh faced the people going up were, but the more sorry we felt for them. Along the way we saw some amazing parts of the river. No photo or drawing could ever portray the beauty of this park (although i did try). When we finaly reached the bottom the midday sun was high and hot and we had no choice but to rip off our boots, jump in the river and thank God we wernt on the top of Half Dome. After swiming for a bit and sleeping under the trees for a few hours we decided to head back to camp for yet another swim and a much needed shower. That evening we cooked tea and waited for the Half Domers to return victorius before an early night.


Friday 6th August
Day 18: San Francisco

  On our way to San Francisco! Being 2 weeks since our last hotel the prospect of baths, beds, pillows, internet and electrisity sockets have been all we've been talking about the last few days and San Francisco i where our hotel dreams come true. Driving over the Bay Bridge we get a good look over the Pacific making it offical, we had driven from the east coast to the west coast.

A quick drive through town through the shopping district and the bay took us to the Golden Gate Bridge. We got out and walked all across it, the mist from the sea floted over the top and down into the city making it cooler than previous places.

We headed to our hotel to meet Raj, the most courteous and nervous hotel manager in the world and after a half an our speach about what not to touch we headed up to our rooms. Helen and I had a double bed each and a bath- heaven. The first thing we did was wash our feet, living in flip flops and only having showers aloud us to collect dust from every state so that had to go. After that we met the others and headed out into the city for the evening.

Our attemt to ride the tram failed due to the cues so we yellow cab'd it down to the bay. Their were hudreds of people on the harbour shopping, eating, enjoying the view and as we walked along we noticed thousands of seals just sleeping. They reminded me of beano. We jumped on a boat and set off on a sunset cruse. This took us past Alkatraz and under the golden gate, it was cold but a lot of fun. We then went up to china town to, quote TJ 'the best chinese restaurant in the country', to get to this hidden jem you had to go to the strangest area of town and then through the resaurants own kitchen to get to your table. The food was very nice. We then taxid back to the hotel in excitment of the next day.

Saturday 7th August
Day 19 : San Fransico

We started our free day in the city with a cafe breakfast and then down to the bay to catch the boat to Alcatraz. Alcatraz island just a mile off the bay is an ex prison and a fantastic place to lookaround and explore. What we didnt realise untill we arived was that it was alcatraz' 76th aniversary and to celibrate they invited ex gards and ex inmates to talk to the visitors as they walked around. It was fasinating to hear their storys.

In the afternoon we had a quick visit to Lombard streat, the windy street. And then back through China Town to the main streets for a bit of shopping.

That evening we met up with the rest of the group and went out for a very nice meal, on our way back though the city we stumbled across a large cinima screen and a croud of people. We thought we'd check it out to find that an organisaiton were traveling around the country showing films in the location they were set, so we sat down and watched Dirty Harry. Everyone cheard at the moment as the film showed the exact place we were sitting. Helen and I got really cold so we bailed out early and missed the end of the film but it was really interesting and a really nice atmostpher.


Sunday 8th August
Day 20 : Pacific Coast, Monterey

We set off from San Fran for a very relaxing drive down the California cost. This is one of the times in life that you wish you had a convertable. Although you wouldnt belive we are in california because it is so cold. After a 5 hour drive we stopped off at Monterey a beautiful fishing town with a lot of interesting shops. When your in a different country you should try their food but if you ever come across a penut butter and chocolate coted apple- do not eat it- i was nearly sick.

Monday 9th August
Day 21 : Pacific Coast, Santa Barbara

  Another day of crusing down the 101 with the Pacific on our right took us to the fantastic beach town, Santa Barbara. After seeing the Elephant seals resting on the beach we spending a few hours in the sun, paddleing in the frezzing cold sea and hitting the tourist shops before heading back to camp for a BBQ by the sea.

Tuesday 10th August

Day 22: Los Angeles

We headed back onto root 101 to contine down the LA. After a few hours on the road we arived in Hollywood. A quick stop off to take pictures of the sign and then down into the city to walk along Hollywood boulvard. The streat was packed with tourists, people dressed as celebritys and alot of people trying to sell maps to celebritys houses. We walked along the walk of fame and saw the kodiac theater before heading down through Beverly Hills to the shopping street, Rodeo Drive. This street is packed with the most expensive and classy shops. The street parking was full of very expensive cars, we even saw a million dollor Maserati. We dearnt go into any of the shops, having spent 3 weeks traveling we didnt quite look the part.

We then headed to our hotel, that evening we went out for a meal to say goodbye to our tour guide. In the morning we will meet our next tour guide who will take us back to New York.

Wednesday 11th August
Day 23: Las Vegas

 We met our new tour leader, new group and new van and set of for Las Vagas. Driving through the hot desert surounded by sand and hills you suddenly drive into the bright light city, Las Vagas. Strait down the vagas strip driving past massive hotels and casinos, theirs everystyle of building you could imagin. We jumped out the van and hit the all you can eat buffet. This buffet was huge and i wanted to take full advatage, i managed to push myself past the felling of 'full' and 'about to pop'.

That evening we got in the biggest limo i've ever seen and went down the strip at night. We also drove down to fremont streat, the original strip. The street is full of bright lights and covered with a white roof. Suddenly the lights went down and everyone looked up. The roof lit up with a brilliant light show that lasted about 15 minuets before getting back into the limo. We continued round the city, past the Vagas sign and then back to the stip. When our limo pulled up a crowd of tourist formd taking pictures and waiting to see who was inside. When we got out the disapointed croud soon dispanded.

After the ride we headed in and out some casinos. Their all very differnet from the outside but inside their all the same slot macheens and roulet weels. Every casino has a different theme and their theme portrayed in such detail. My personal favorate was New York New York designed to look like the New York skyline. We also managed to watch the amazing fountain display outside the Bellagio.


Thursday 12th August
Day 24 : Las Vegas

  We started our free day in Las Vagas in a que for tickets to see a show, 2 hours later and we had tickets for the evening. We walked down the strip, it's very different during the day, their arnt meny people around. It's incredibly hot on the street and the casinos are very inviting. They dont have doors, more like large archways blasting cold air out.

We spent the afternoon shopping, things are very expensive here but we did find an outlet store which kept us out of the midday heat. We did manage to get a swim in the hotel pool before going out for the evening.

That night we went to see the Phanto of the Opera at the Venetion hotel. The hotel/ casino had an inbuilt theater designed souly to house the musical which was quite clear by the way the theater was setout. The production was phenomenal. After the show we met with the others to watch the free shows out side the casinos.

Friday 13th August
Day 25: Zion National Park

We left Vegas that morning and headed to Springdale at the enterence to Zion national park. This park has been created by the Virgin river cutting through the sandy rock over thousands of years to form a canyon of bear red rock. After traveling most of the day we decided to do a small hike at the base of the canyon which mostly involved wadeing throught the Virgin river. The river was quite fast and deap at points and i'm very surprised i didnt fall in. We walked back as the sun set and got the shuttle back to camp.

Saturday 14th August
Day 26 : Zion National Park

  We started the day with an early morning hike up the canyon to see the 3 emerald pools, taking us throught the rocks and behind waterfalls, the pools themselves were more like puddles but the walk was very nice and the views through the vally and the river were brilliant.

We left the vally and headed out of Zion to our campsite on a ranch. This ranch had some hourse stables so i decided to face my fear and jump on a hourse for a 2 hour walk. My hourse, Freddy, was chosen for me because I, apparantly, had the most experiance, despite been scared of hourse. The fact that my hourse was introduced to me as 'stupid Fred, he's quite old and temprimental' did not carm my hidden fear. Fred was such a funny hourse. He hated walking and fallowing the croud and loved to eat (talk about animals and their owners). He stoped to eat any clup of grass or bush or he would be walking hapily and then just walk off, the sounds of 'Freddy, no Freddy, Freddy!' rang through the vally and we trotted through the beautiful red spires of canyon as the sun set.

Sunday 15th August
Day 27 : Grand Canyon National Park

We set off from the campsite through the desert, the extream flat lands are scatered with large holes and steep towers of rock and the road goes as far as the horison and blurs with the heat. Our first stop was for a supermarket stop where I found gluten free paster for the first time in 4 weeks. Thank you Walmart!

We arived at the Grand Canyon National Park about midday for our first glips of the spectacular canyon. We walked with our heads down being led by our tour guide to get a good first look and when we saw it we were all lost for words. That afternoon I took a helicopter ride across the forest and into the canyon, this was an absolutly amazing experiance and the views of the were outstanding, the size of the canyon itself is unbeleivable.

Monday 16th August
Day 28: Grand Canyon National Park

  We woke up early this morning to get to the grand canyon to watch the sun rise. As it rose the canyon flooded with light and the brown stones turn golden yellow. We watched the view change colour as we walked along the rim of the canyon. Sharing the path with lizzards and chipmonks. That afternoon we battled another lighting storm which poor Helen was compleetly caught in.

Tuesday 17th August
Day 29: Monument Valley

  We left the Grand Canyon and traveled down to the Native American Navaho Indians land of monument vally. After spending most of the day in the van we set up the tents before heading into Monument vally. The vally is filled with spires of beautiful red rocks. We drove through the vally and posed for photos on the rocks before heading back before it got dark.

Wednesday18th August
Day 30: Arizona

  A long driving day took us to the town of Santa Fe, New Mexio. This picturesque town designed to look like a Mexican town is full of jewlry shops and art gallarys. We arived in the evening and spent our time sitting in the park listening and dancing to the live music and eating ice cream.

Thursday 19th August
Day 31: Roswell, New Mexico

  We started the day back in Santa Fe to walk around the town in the light before hitting the road to Carlsbad. On the way we stopped off at Roswell, the sight where a UFO was ment to have been discovered. The torism here really plays on this, this town is full off pictures and statues of alians and UFO's. We stopped off at the UFO museum which was a hanger full of newspaper articals and photos of UFOs in the sky.

By the time we got to Carlsbad a storm was brewing over our heads, bolts of lightning stuck around us and mini twisters gathered dust in the feilds around. No UFOs though, unfortionatly.

Friday 20th August
Day 32: Texas

 We set off in the morning the explore Carlsbad Cavens. You walk down into this huge hole in the ground into the dark, bat filled cave which went down and down further in. At the bottom you are in the center of this mightly caven full of huge stalagtights and stalagmites each a different size and texture. After exploring the caven all around we got a very conveniant elevator back up to the top before heading to the campsite at Balmorhea.

At this campsite they had a fresh water pool which looked alot like a river, it was deap, large the floor was covered with rocks, their was algi on the walls and it was full of fish. We all jumped in and spent the evening with the fish untill it got to cold.

Saturday 21st August
Day 33 : Carlsbad Caverns National Park

  We left Balmorhea to go to San Antonio, Texas. We spent the day in the van for a 380 mile drive. When we arived at the campsite it was still very hot so we, one again, spent the evening in the pool.

Sunday 22nd August
Day 34 : San Antonio

   This was our free day in San Antonio. We got up early and headed on the bus to downtown. Here, we saw the Alamo, the building used by Davy Crocket to hold off the Mexicans. Now it is a stone shell full of torists and placks on the walls. We left the Alamo, walked along the river and decided that it was to hot and that San Antonio was not as apealing as the water park we had seen on the way in. So we got the bus and spent the heat of the day going down some awsome waterslides and going round the lazy river on rubber rings sun bathing and pushing eachother off.

After drying off we decided to head back into downtown to meet the others before going to the baseball game, we just missed the bus so we waited under a tree for an hour and it was so hot it made us really sleepy. When we finaly got the bus all 3 of us fell asleep. We woke up an hour later at the bus' last stop on the outer ringroad of town. oops! The bus driver was very helpful and surgested we catch the express bus into the city center, but even if we cought this bus we needed to get to the other side of town and we wouldnt be able to make it in time. We rang Tao, our tour guide, who surgested we get a taxi but after ringing them to find out it would cost $45 we decided againts it. Our confusion had sparked the interest of the other people in the bus station and a very nice old man surgested we got one bus then a second, then walk the rest of the way. So we caught the bus he surgested which took us along the ring road to the other end of town. We then ran to catch the next bus who was just pulling off. When we got on we asked if it was the right bus for the stadium but she didnt know. We figured we should just ride it anyway. We were stairing out the windows for anysign of a stadium untill we saw some lights which looked stadium like, we were so excited we sang 'take me to the ball game' but we only knew one line, it made the locals on the bus laugh, stupid torist.

We got off the bus as close as we could and ran to the game. We'd missed half of it but we found the others and enjoyed what we did see. The stadium was less then half full and everyone was surporting the local team, missions. We cheared and bantered without knowing any of the rules or what on earth was going on. When the song 'take me to the ball game' came on on we all stood up like it was the national anthem and sang along while the locals sat, them must hear the song alot. In the end it wasnt the locals who won, it was springfeild. We wanted to chear but were to afraid of the rather angry looking taxans around us.

We'd had a really good day and seen the hole of San Antonio, just not the bit in the middle.

Monday 23rd August
Day 35 : Lafayette


Tuesday 24th August
Day 36 : Louisiana/Texas


Wednesday 25th August
Day 37: New Orleans


Thursday 26th August
Day 38 : South Dakota


Friday 27th August
Day 39: Alabama/Mississippi


Saturday 28th August
Day 40: Virginia


Sunday 29th August
Day 41 : Tennessee


Monday 30th August
Day 42 : Washington DC


Tuesday 31st August
Day 43 : Washington DC


 Wednesday 1st September
Day 44: New York


Thursday 2nd September
Day 45 : Flight to Mancester